Older Black woman with short hair looks to one side. She is in a wheelchair and wearing a navy cardigan.

16 September 2024

The Darzi Review and its implications for mental health

Andy digs into the detail of the Darzi review, exploring how the NHS needs to change in order to create a new start for mental health

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A Black man with dreadlocks is sat on a couch, confiding in a friend who is comforting him with her hand on his shoulder.

10 September 2024

Illuminating the invisible: Bringing Black mental health and suicidality out of the shadows

This World Suicide Prevention Day, Chris Frederick emphasises the critical need for more inclusive, culturally competent mental health services to address the mental health inequalities in Black communities.

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Teal speakerphone. Text: Podcast

15 August 2024

Podcast: Kadra Abdinasir

Kadra Abdinasir, the Centre’s Associate Director of Policy, sits down with Thea to unpack the first few weeks of the new Government and what the policy announcements so far mean for mental health.

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A young Asian girl is smiling at her Mother, she has long brown hair and is wearing an orange beanie and green hoodie reading 'Always cute'. They appear to be in a garden together. Her Mother has short brown hair and a mustard shirt.

6 August 2024

Beyond words: Why language matters for social security and mental health

Nick and Andy outline the need to move towards more compassionate language around benefits and call for a reform of the current benefits system.

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A young girl sits among rubble and debris, in Gaza. She has curly brown hair with a brown and grey stripped hairband, and wears a colourful floral patterned outfit, likely pyjamas. She's looking directly to camera with holding up a peace sign.

1 August 2024

No safe place in mind: mental health and trauma in Gaza

Holly, Zainab, Julia and Nick look at how dire conditions in Gaza are affecting Palestinians’ mental health

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A group of friends in an open space, likely a park, smiling and laughing together. There are two people facing the camera. In the centre is a young woman, with dark-brown curly hair, laughing with a wide smile. To her left is another young woman, with dark wavy hair, also smiling.

11 July 2024

The ‘machinery of government’ for a mentally healthier nation

Andy Bell explains how the new Government can improve mental health by committing to a cross government mental health plan, embedding a mental health policy test and appointing a mental health commissioner.

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8 July 2024

A new government, and a new start for our mental health?

The new government has a critical opportunity to build a mentally healthier nation, and it’s vital they take it – Andy sets out the top priorities for improving mental health.

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Teal speakerphone. Text: Podcast

28 June 2024

Podcast: Venus Madden

Venus Madden tells us about her experiences of miscarriage and postnatal depression, as well as the impact of moving to the UK from Hong Kong as a teenager.

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Two men standing outdoors on a walk. One Black man is wearing a grey shirt, and the other South Asian man is wearing a black shirt. They are both smiling at eachother and looking lovingly.

19 June 2024

Five books for Pride month

David shares five of his favourite books written by LGBTQ+ authors, and what they’ve taught him about mental health, identity, trauma and inclusion.

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A young person with curly brown hair, wearing a colourful striped shirt, is smiling directly to the camera.

18 June 2024

Building mentally healthier systems for children and young people

Kadra and Andy summarise key takeaways from our first Mentally Healthier System Leaders Network event, where members discussed how to build better, more equitable mental health services for children and young people.

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Two young black and white children are colouring at a table, as their grandmother (white, big glasses, cheetah print coat) watches over them.

17 June 2024

What do the parties’ election manifestos tell us about the prospects for mental health in the next Parliament?

We delve deeper into the policies outlined in party manifestos and what they might mean for the future of mental health in the UK.

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A young white woman with long blonde hair is smiling at the camera. She is wearing a black puffer jacket and a red and blue plaid scarf. She is stood behind a brick building, in her University campus.

14 June 2024

Being asexual and the road to pride

A guest writer reflects on coming out as asexual, struggles with acceptance and invisibility, and hope for a future beyond labels and explanations.

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