Centre for Mental Health is determined to create a society where everyone has a better chance of good mental health, and where people with mental health difficulties have a fair chance in life. All of our work is dedicated to building mental health equality and social justice, throughout life and across communities.
Over the last year, we have worked tirelessly to achieve our ambitions. We have generated evidence and insights, produced research and analysis, provided training and learning opportunities, supported debates and networks, and campaigned vigorously for change where it’s needed. We’ve worked closely with partners across the voluntary and community sector, public services and many more to generate evidence and create understanding authentically and to speak the truth to power.
During the last year, we have been focused on achieving the five high level goals set out in our five year strategy (for 2021-2025). Our annual report details the work we did in the year ending 5 April 2024 in pursuit of these goals, our ongoing objectives, and financial reports.