Recovering at work

How businesses can support staff who may be facing trauma, especially after the events of 2020

Pre-course materials

  Supporting What Works course: Please download these documents if you are attending the course “Supporting What Works: Essential Training for Teams Hosting IPS” Motivational Interviewing course: Please download these documents if you are attending the course “Motivational Interviewing”

Covid-19 Forecast Modelling Toolkit

This toolkit has been devised for local areas to calculate a forecast of additional demand for mental health services resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been a collaboration between NHS Trusts, NHS England and Centre for Mental Health. The slide-deck and the excel spreadsheet must be used together. The original model was released on

The NHS workforce strategy in context

There is growing evidence that demand for mental health support will increase in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to respond to this demand and deliver existing commitments to grow mental health services as part of the NHS Long Term Plan, more mental health practitioners must be recruited. This short briefing explores the

Clinical psychology in primary care

We look at services meeting the needs of people who previously got little or no effective help for their mental or physical health from the NHS