Supporting mental health equality through the pandemic
How Centre for Mental Health is working during the coronavirus outbreak to make a difference
How Centre for Mental Health is working during the coronavirus outbreak to make a difference
Marsha McAdam on the surreal way the pandemic is validating the previous fears she experienced with Borderline Personality Disorder
Sarah explains why your donation means more than ever before
Sally Amor challenges the idea of resilience as ‘grit and determination’, recommending instead a trauma-informed understanding
Stories about the nation’s mental health during a global pandemic
Jim McManus shares hard-learned lessons on looking after yourself and others during the pandemic
Our new research found that people want effective and personalised support to improve their physical health
Experiences of smoking cessation support among people with severe mental illness
Experiences of weight management among people with severe mental illness
Nuwan Dissanayaka considers the impact of the pandemic on some of the most vulnerable and isolated in our communities