Better Mental Health Fund: Lambeth

The south London borough of Lambeth, with an estimated population of 330,000, has many diverse, marginalised and excluded communities that carry disproportionate burdens of preventable and avoidable ill health. 63% of residents describe their ethnicity as something other than White British. A large proportion of residents are from Black African, Black Caribbean and Black ‘other’

Better Mental Health Fund: Hartlepool

Hartlepool is a coastal town where fishing was the main industry. It is the smallest of the local authorities to receive Better Mental Health Fund resources, with a population of 93,663, of which 4.5% are from racialised communities. It ranks 21st on the Index of Multiple Deprivation, with a fifth of households experiencing deprivation and

Better Mental Health Fund: Haringey

Haringey has a population of 268,647 comprising 64.4% from racialised communities – the largest group being non-British white people. It also has a transient population and over 180 languages spoken. With an Index of Multiple Deprivation ranking of 29, Haringey residents experience high levels of poverty, unemployment, single parents, drug abuse, domestic violence and serious

Better Mental Health Fund: Bradford

Bradford District is the fifth-largest metropolitan district in England and has a population of about 534,000 people. Younger people dominate a large population of Bradford, and the city has the third-highest population percentage for people aged under 16 in England. Bradford district ranks as the 13th most deprived local authority in England and second-most deprived