Managing patients with complex needs

Improving mental health care for people with complex needs can reduce pressures on GPs and hospitals as well as dramatically improving people’s lives.

A place for parity

This report looks at how much focus health and wellbeing boards have given to mental health in their strategies and sets out recommendations

What’s it worth now?

What’s it Worth Now? estimates of social and economic costs of mental health problems in Scotland, with a particular focus on the employment-related costs.

Diversion: the business case for action

Diversion shows diversion from custody is still much cheaper than just a few weeks in prison. Well-designed diversion schemes can help to reduce reoffending by one third.

A label for exclusion

This policy paper identifies areas and practical examples of how the commissioning and delivery of alcohol interventions for offenders in the community might be developed.

Briefing 42: Beyond the Gate

Only a small proportion of prisoners in England have jobs to go to on release and employment support is too often denied to offenders with mental health problems.

Under the radar

Under the Radar calls for better diversion from custodial sentences for women with a personality disorder and increased training for prison staff.