Diversion dividend

Diverting offenders to community support rather than prisons would save money in the justice system and reduce reoffending rates.

The Bradley Report and the Criminal Justice Workforce

This paper examines what justice workers need to help them to help to implement the 82 recommendations of Lord Bradley’s review of how the justice system supports people with mental health problems or learning disabilities.

The chance of a lifetime

A very high proportion of those who have the most serious conduct problems during childhood will go on to become involved in criminal activity.

Briefing 41: Commissioning what works

Individual Placement and Support, which helps people into paid competitive work, is effective, is good value for money and is affordable to the NHS.

The costs of race inequality

This policy paper seeks to strengthen and support the case for action by showing that these poorer experiences and outcomes come at not just a personal cost to those involved – they also increase the financial costs of mental health care