Andy Bell and Marsha McAdam provide an overview of our Festival of Ideas event that focused on how mental health services could change to meet service users’ needs more effectively
Our response to the Public Accounts Committee’s report on improving NHS mental health services.
Targeting resources to communities where the need is greatest can have a major impact on people’s mental health, according to our new report.
Torbay is a coastal area in the south west of England and compromises three seaside towns: Torquay, Paignton and Brixham. It has a population of 136,000. A quarter of all residents are aged over 65. A fifth are children. There is significant variation in health and wellbeing across the bay. In the most affluent areas,
South Tyneside has a population of approximately 150,000 and is in the North East of England. The population is recorded as being mainly, though not exclusively, white. It is one of the 20% most deprived local authorities in England. Many health indicators are worse locally than the national averages. These include life expectancy for men
For the public health team in Sandwell, it was crucial that the projects funded through the Better Mental Health Fund aligned with their overall strategic ambitions for the health of local people, especially those who live in poverty, including their targets of achieving zero suicides. The programme in Sandwell was also determined by local commitments
Sitting in the Greater Manchester conurbation, Oldham has a population of 237,110. 29% of the population is from a racialised community, predominantly South Asian, with Pakistani heritage (10.1%) and Bangladeshi heritage (7.3%) as the largest minorities. Oldham has an Index of Multiple Deprivation score of 25, and nearly a quarter of areas in Oldham are
Luton has a population of 213,502 and is more densely populated than some London boroughs. It is one of the most ethnically diverse towns in England with 61.8% of the population from a racialised community: notably Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Eastern European, and African Caribbean communities. Luton has an Index of Multiple Deprivation score of 41,
Leicester, with a population of an estimated 355,000, is a city in the East Midlands. It has an ethnically diverse population; over half are from racialised communities. It also has a relatively young population – 20% of Leicester’s population are aged 20-29 (versus 13% across the whole of England) – many of whom are students.
Ed outlines the ideas we’ve submitted to the Major Conditions Strategy’s call for evidence