3 November 2022
Behind closed doors? How to make safe, compassionate inpatient care a reality
In the wake of recent media investigations into abuse, cruelty and neglect within mental health inpatient services, Andy considers what the response needs to be across the system

25 October 2022
Podcast: Young Changemakers
Ayanda, Aaliyah and Kadra sit down with Thea to discuss the innovative project which is reimagining mental health for racialised communities

19 October 2022
No health without housing: why supported housing is at the heart of integrated mental health care
The establishment of Integrated Care Boards provides an opportunity to look again at how we might bring housing and health services together. Peter Molyneux explains how

18 October 2022
Mental health services in the UK in 2022: what the latest adult mental health care Benchmarking Network data can tell us
The NHS Benchmarking Network data provides a snapshot of mental health services, and exposes cracks and inequalities in the system

14 October 2022
Podcast: Juliet Snell
Juliet Snell joins Thea Joshi to discuss how we can better support children’s mental wellbeing

12 October 2022
Bereavement is everyone’s business
Andy explains how the Centre worked with the UK Commission on Bereavement to understand the complex interplay between grief and mental health

29 September 2022
‘Lessons will be learned’? Responding to Panorama’s documentary on abuses at the Edenfield Centre
We cannot turn a blind eye to closed cultures, restrictive practices and abuses of power.

23 September 2022
The Government’s Growth Plan and the nation’s mental health
Andy analyses the Government’s recent policy announcements and how they will impact mental health

31 August 2022
Podcast: Steve Gilbert OBE
Steve Gilbert OBE joins Thea to discuss his work driving change in mental health from an anti-racist perspective

11 August 2022
‘Building a rebel alliance’: How the voluntary and sector can work together to improve community mental health services
David explains what local mental health alliances are learning from working in integrated care systems

3 August 2022
Challenging white privilege through peer research and coproduction
Androulla explains how we’re seeking to embed peer research within our projects to challenge white supremacy within research

1 August 2022
Heads up: Rethinking mental health services for young people at risk of harm
Charlotte and Huong on their report with the Commission on Young Lives which seeks to re-imagine mental health support for children at risk of harm