
27 October 2016

How are you? The state of the nation’s mental health

The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, recently released, offers new insight into the levels of mental health problems in the UK and the factors which affect it.

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17 October 2016

Data reveals the postcode lottery faced by people living with psychosis

A new report has revealed the inequalities faced by those living with psychosis in England, indicating that they live harder, poorer and shorter lives.

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19 September 2016

Young African-Caribbean men: discovering the journey to resilience

Our work with the ‘Up My Street’ project is supporting Young Black men by building their resilience

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6 September 2016

Delivering the mental health strategy

Andy Bell looks at the implementation plan for the Mental Health Five Year Forward View in the midst of growing concerns about financial pressures on the NHS.

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26 August 2016

Stigma, inequality and mental health: the British Social Attitudes survey

A majority of the population are confident in their understanding of wellbeing, but attitudes towards those with mental health problems still have a long way to go.

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27 July 2016

Money and mental health – breaking up a toxic relationship

Helen Undy, from Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, on the work the institute is doing to reduce the impact finances have on our mental health.

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15 July 2016

Mental health after the Referendum

The recent EU referendum has brought about momentous political changes in just three weeks. Andy Bell discusses the potential impact and what the next steps should be.

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3 June 2016

A basic need: affordable housing and mental health

Ian Bradshaw looks at our report highlighting the positive impact supported housing can have on the lives of people living with serious mental illness

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29 March 2016

A Day In The Life – Mark Brown

I’ve read every single day shared and it’s made me cry, made me laugh and made me whoop with joy.

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22 March 2016

Cllr Michael Bevan – “the Centre’s work is invaluable”

Cllr Michael Bevan from Dorset City Council draws on his personal and political experience of mental health problems, wanting to help others and why he believes the work of the Centre is so invaluable.

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20 November 2015

Spot the Signs and Save a Life

Guest blog from Alison Ryan, Head of Recovery and Psychological Services at Hertfordshire NHS Foundation Trust, about suicide prevention.

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17 November 2015

The 2015 Benchmarking Network’s report on mental health services and its implications for the NHS

Andy Bell reflects on the report recently published by the 2015 Benchmarking Network, and its implications for NHS mental health services.

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