
15 August 2014

Current evidence on depression – the view from Centre for Mental Health

Around nine out of 10 people who commit suicide suffer from a mental health problem with depression being the most common, affecting 60% of those who take their own lives.

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2 July 2014

Mental health care for all stages of life must be improved for all to thrive

This week, a new book by Lord Layard and Professor David Clark sets out a call for a transformation in the way we think about mental health and the priority mental health care is given.

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25 June 2014

The Bradley Report five years on – finishing the vital job

In the five years since my review of the support offered to people with mental health problems or learning difficulties in the criminal justice system, we have seen significant progress.

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19 June 2014

New Mental Health Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Networks

This week Public Health England launched a new Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network whose website includes new profiling tools for Common Mental Health Disorders, Severe Mental Illness, Community Mental Health Profiles and Neurology.

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29 April 2014

Finding the keys to diversion

Centre for Mental Health has been investigating how liaison and diversion services can best identify and support people with multiple needs when they come into contact with the police and courts.

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23 April 2014

Mental health cost cutting is a false economy

The NHS should be investing in interventions that improve health and wellbeing, not cutting cost effective mental health services, says Sean Duggan.

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27 March 2014

An innovative approach to mental health support

A group of GPs in the City of London and Hackney have taken an innovative response to the needs of people whose mental health problems are more complex than their doctor can manage alone yet who don’t qualify for specialist services.

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20 March 2014

Helping young people out of offending

Barely a week goes by in the capital without the distressing news of a stabbing or shooting. Behind the headlines, real lives are affected.

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11 March 2014

How mental ill health affects the economy

The OECD report recognises that mental ill health is a major problem and that it is a problem creating significant costs for people, employers and the economy.

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5 February 2014

A step towards closing the gap

Lots of positive work has happened since the ‘No Health without Mental Health’ strategy was published, but there is a lot more still to do.

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12 December 2013

The false economy of cuts to crisis care

Just weeks after exposing pressures on acute beds in mental health services, today there are further warnings about spending cuts in community teams across England.

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26 November 2013

Knocking mental health stigma for six

The breaking sports news on Monday was that that the England cricketer Jonathan Trott was leaving the Ashes Tour due to a stress-related illness.

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