Category: Uncategorized

Seasons of love: reflections on what makes me proud

David reflects on how his LGBTQ+ community and allies have carried each other through the most difficult of times

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Podcast: Hope Virgo

Author and campaigner Hope Virgo joins Thea Joshi to discuss her experience of anorexia, her campaigning around BMI and menu calorie labelling, and how she is navigating pregnancy while in recovery from an eating disorder

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Keeping mental health front and centre in the development of Integrated Care Boards

James Carter explores how the learning from mental health transformation approaches can shape the development of new Integrated Care Boards

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Bridging the gaps in mental health services: the need for joined up service provision

Becky Appleton explores the experiences of young people falling through the gaps between children & adult mental health services

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Podcast: Amarno Inai and Androulla Harris

Amarno and Androulla discuss being part of the Shifting the Dial project, promoting young Black men’s mental health in Birmingham

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Opportunity for all? A response to the Government’s schools white paper from the Not So Micro group

Dotun and Ashleigh from Not So Micro explain why the white paper is a missed opportunity to address the impact of racism on young people’s mental health

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Mental health in the climate crisis spotlight

Andy responds to the IPCC’s report on the impacts of climate change, and its consideration of the mental health effects

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Podcast: Poppy Jaman OBE

Reflecting on her own lived experience, Poppy talks about why we need to stop thinking about systems of change as immovable things “out there in the ether”, rather than being made up of people who can make change happen

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How do we protect mental health as Covid restrictions are removed?

Andy argues that the removal of Covid-19 restrictions has implications for our mental health which must be considered alongside those for our physical health and safety

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Don’t leave me this way: what we can learn about grief and bereavement from the AIDS pandemic

For David, LGBTQ+ History Month is an opportunity for us to reflect on what we can learn from AIDS in the ’80s to prepare us for the next phase of the COVID pandemic

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