Category: Uncategorized

A life beyond trauma?

Freya Hickman shares the traumatic impact of being caught up in a terrorist attack

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Unseen and unheard: Tackling inequality in rural mental health

Melanie Costas looks at the mental health needs of people in rural and remote areas

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What does the Government’s winter wellbeing plan mean for mental health?

Andy takes a look at the new winter plan for mental health

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Equality in mental health: Jessica’s story

Jessica Agudelo shares her story as the daughter of Colombian parents who grew up on a council estate in London, and the toll that financial insecurity takes on wellbeing

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Equality in mental health: Atif’s story

Atif Choudhury shares his story and reflects on the intersections between neurodiversity, dyslexia, class and ethnicity

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Equality in mental health: Rose’s story

Rose Ssali explains how the Mama Poverty Partnership is addressing mental health inequalities in African communities based in Greater Manchester

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Public mental health, leadership and change

What do the plans to disband Public Health England mean for mental health? Louis explores the concerns that need addressing and the opportunities that must be grasped

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Punjabi communities, Covid-19 and mental health

Shuranjeet Singh explains how Taraki has looked beyond reductive labels to explore the pandemic’s impact on the mental health of Punjabi communities

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Covid-19 is widening the inequalities faced by autistic people – but this is not inevitable

Georgia Harper looks at the impact Covid-19 and lockdown have had on the mental health of autistic people

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On a journey: policing and mental health

Matthew Scott shares his role in raising awareness of mental health issues as a Police and Crime Commissioner

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