Category: Uncategorized

Which way forward? Getting ‘a fair deal’ from the Government’s obesity strategy

Louis explains the Centre’s concerns about how the new proposals could affect people with mental health problems

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Building parity of esteem: why mental health hospitals need equal priority for modernisation

Liz Romaniak explains how we can support patients’ recovery by investing in mental health facilities

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Understanding the mental health needs of people leaving the Armed Forces

Andy unpacks recent Forces in Mind Trust research on mental health needs among people leaving the Armed Forces

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Learning to live in lockdown

Androulla reflects on the impact the pandemic is having on our wellbeing, and shares her lessons from lockdown

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Health, work and Covid-19: why we must avoid repeating the mistakes of the past

Jeremy Clarke explains why a joined-up approach to employment and mental health is vital to reach the people who need it most

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Levelling up for mental health

Louis argues that tackling health inequalities is vital to improve the life chances of people who have been left behind by a decade of austerity

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Keeping our workforce well: Supporting the VCSE mental health sector

Sarah Hughes and Kathy Roberts on the way voluntary sector workers’ needs have been overlooked despite experiencing similar traumas and anxieties to those in statutory services

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Taking care of maternal mental health during Covid-19

Maria explains how the Maternal Mental Health Alliance are campaigning to support mothers and families during the pandemic

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Nothing can be changed until it is faced: Facing up to inequalities in Covid-19

Peter Molyneux considers the way Covid-19 has shone a light on health and racial inequalities

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Now is the time to act: keeping race in mind

Kadra reflects on the global Black Lives Matter protests, the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on racialised communities, and the effect of racism on mental health

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