Category: Uncategorized

Not ‘just getting older’: mental health in later life

Meg Stapleton looks at the assumptions and realities about older people’s mental health

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The NHS Funding Bill and mental health in England

Andy Bell on the new legislation, an amendment to safeguard mental health funding, and why a sole focus on the NHS could create further problems

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‘You are here, you are visible’: mental health inequalities and community strengths

Louis reflects on hearing first-hand about what can promote good mental health in different communities across Manchester

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Beyond behaviour: tackling restrictive interventions in schools

Kadra looks at the latest evidence behind exclusion, restraint and other restrictive interventions

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Mental health in the workplace: raising the profile and levelling the playing field

Anastasia discusses her role promoting mental health in the Bank of England and beyond

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After the election: why mental health equality must be at the heart of the new Government’s agenda

Liz looks at what needs to happen to truly address inequalities in mental health in the new parliament

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Is ‘exercise labelling’ on food the answer to healthier eating?

Hope Virgo argues that proposals to add exercise labels to food disregard the complexities of obesity and could reinforce unhealthy relationships with eating

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Mental health in the new parliament: challenges and opportunities

From implementing the NHS Long Term Plan to Brexit, how will the new Conservative Government’s policies affect mental health?

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Mental health in the 2019 General Election manifestos: our analysis

What do the different political parties’ manifestos have to say about mental health? We’ve analysed their pledges and what they mean for people’s wellbeing and the lives of people with mental health difficulties.

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Good partners: why we need assertive outreach now more than ever

Nuwan Dissanayaka explains why continuity of care is vital in increasingly short-term, crisis-driven health services

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