Category: Uncategorized

Best time of your life? Managing mental health at university

Thea looks back on her experience of university whilst navigating recovery

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What next? Delivering fundamental reform for the Mental Health Act

Andy emphasises the need for legislation change and concerted action to bring about fundamental reforms

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Why disinvesting in mental health rehabilitation services is a false economy

Rajesh argues that the NHS Long Term Plan must address neglected rehabilitation services and a rise in out of area placements

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Resetting the rules for primary care and mental health

Dr Paul Turner highlights a fundamental need to challenge prevailing assumptions in mental health care

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The children’s mental health survey and its implications

Lorraine takes a longer look at yesterday’s children’s prevalence survey and its key findings

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The unspoken frontier: meeting the emotional needs of people with cancer

Moira from Macmillan Cancer Support looks at what is needed to support the mental health of people facing cancer

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Children’s mental health services: the data behind the headlines

Andy takes a look at latest data on waiting times, service provision and funding

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Housing and the Mental Health Act: a ‘duty of care’

Cllr Andrew Gordon highlights the negative impact that being detained under the Mental Health Act can have on someone’s housing situation

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Should people with mental illness really pay for their prescriptions?

“If the Government is serious about achieving equality for mental health, now is the time to act to put this anomaly right”

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Young people in a changing world on World Mental Health Day: Putting evidence into practice

Today is World Mental Health Day, and this year its focus is on ‘children and young people in a changing world’.   The mental health needs of children and young people have perhaps never been more prominent or newsworthy. Every day we see more headlines about rising levels of distress among children and young people

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