Category: Uncategorized

Whose best interest? Advance Decisions and collaboration in coercive environments

Owen looks at the purpose of Advance Decisions to empower people at their most powerless

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Speaking from experience: shaping the Mental Health Act Review

Dr Sarah Markham shares her experience of being on the Service User and Carer Group of the Mental Health Act Review

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Anxiety, loneliness and Fear of Missing Out: The impact of social media on young people’s mental health

Rhys shares his view on the impact of social media on mental health

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Tele-therapy and veterans’ mental health: The future of service provision?

Harry Palmer takes a closer look at new findings from Combat Stress funded by the Mental Health Research Programme

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Action not words: Why mental health care needs to change

In a hard-hitting personal account, one writer argues that change in mental health will require more than just talk

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Rethinking statutory roles in the Mental Health Act

Dr Jenny Oates questions how we recruit Responsible Clinicians to alleviate workforce pressure and give people the best care

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Disadvantage and inequality: it’s time to stop ignoring “difficult” mental health challenges

New trustee André Tomlin explains why he’s joining our mission to make mental health equality a reality

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Mental health and older people – time to make some noise

Toby Williamson looks at the ‘little Cinderella’ of mental health

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A long way to equality

Norman Lamb MP on some of the recent triumphs and failings of the NHS in mental health

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Speak up: My experience of mental health nursing

Chief Executive Sarah Hughes wrote for #MHNursingFuture about the impact of a mental health nurse on her recovery from postnatal depression

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