Category: Uncategorized

We need to talk about the Mental Health Act

Andy Bell reflects on the Act, and the risks and benefits of changing it

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Experiencing the decade of delay: Dolly’s story

Dolly on her experience of waiting over ten years to receive effective mental health support

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Paternal OCD: Ashley’s story

Ash explains how paternal OCD manifested itself before and after the birth of his children

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Therapy, medication and pregnancy: Amy’s story

Our policy research assistant Amy shares her experience of perinatal mental health problems

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Experiencing postnatal depression: Sarah’s story

Chief executive Sarah shares her experience of postnatal mental health problems after the birth of her first child

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‘A garden can create a thousand emotions’: Charlie’s story

Charles Benton, who is building of the mental health garden, explains the idea behind it.

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On the Edge’: Gardens, design and narratives of wellbeing

Frederic Whyte describes the journey behind his vision for the mental health garden.

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On the Edge: Centre for Mental Health at this year’s Hampton Court Flower Show

Our upcoming campaign to promote a fairer future for mental health

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New toolkit will support employers to take a proactive approach to suicide prevention

Martin Barrow reflects on a suicide prevention toolkit created for employers

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A curriculum for wellbeing

We respond to new announcements that schools will be trialling mental health promotion programmes in schools

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