Category: Uncategorized

Talking to your MP on your terms

As a local champion I have raised issues brought to me by service users, their carers and the local voluntary sector agencies.

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A louder voice for mental health

This week, five MPs have written blogs for Centre for Mental Health on the importance of a range of mental health issues in their constituencies.

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The fight for real choice in treatment

Mental health issues come up frequently in my work as a local MP. Of the hundreds of people who come to see me at my regular surgeries many are suffering from a mental health issue of some kind or are making representations to me about someone who is.

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Raising expectations and improving employment support

Like any MP, I’ve had my share of constituents coming to see me about problems with their work capability assessment (WCA) for employment and support allowance (ESA).

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We need to transform healthcare in this country

Paul Burstow MP talks about a visitor to his constituency surgery.

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Giving local services users a voice

When I was elected as the MP for Loughborough in 2010, I promised that one of the issues I would focus on in parliament was mental health.

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Taking control of employment support

This week a major new report from Disability Rights UK has highlighted the weaknesses of the government’s major employment programmes in supporting disabled people to get and keep paid work.

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#mentalpatient: the end of the beginning

Yesterday two retail giants were shamed and forced into taking products off their shelves by the power of people.

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Peer support in mental health care: is it good value for money?

Increasing numbers of peer support workers are now being employed in mental health services.

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Mental health: the whole picture

Community budgets that pool funding for services could dramatically improve mental health provision. This ‘whole place’ approach should be backed in the Spending review.

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