Our impact

In 2024, our research has shone a light on mental health injustice and shown how we can build a mentally healthier nation.

Our year in numbers: 18 reports covering a huge range of topics (word cloud includes older people, inpatient care, poverty, green spaces, economic costs of mental ill health, young people, racial justice. 1,000 people trained in Individual Placement and Support (IPS), helping to support many more people with mental health problems into paid work. 70 organisations backed our campaign for political parties to prioritise mental health at the General Election. 92 young Black changemakers equipped to tackle racial inequality in mental health.
300+ people in local areas across the country equipped to support better mental health in their communities. 
49 blogs and podcasts shared, embedding lived experience within our work. 300+ attendees at 15 events, on topics including substance use, long-term conditions, and homelessness.

Our impact in numbers

  • We published 18 reports covering a huge range of topics, from poverty, racial justice and the economic costs of mental ill health to school absence, the workforce and mental health in later life
  • We trained over 1,000 people in IPS, helping to support many more people with mental health or substance use problems into paid work which supports their recovery
  • We coordinated a campaign endorsed by 70 organisations, calling on political parties to commit to building a mentally healthier nation in their General Election manifestos
  • We worked with 92 young Black changemakers to tackle racial inequality in mental health through social action campaigns
  • We resourced over 300 people in local councils and health systems through our networks – and worked with combined authorities, integrated care systems, councils and health boards across the UK to make evidence-based decisions about mental health in their local areas
  • We equipped over 60 members of Equally Well UK to boost the physical health of people living with severe mental illness
  • We shared almost 50 blogs and podcast episodes, providing a platform for people with lived experience to make their voices heard
  • Over 300 people attended our events and roundtables with topics including substance use, long-term conditions, and homelessness.

How we’ve been driving change in policy and practice

  • After tireless campaigning for change, the new Government is now modernising the Mental Health Act, with the Bill currently progressing through Parliament
  • Following our campaigning as part of the Fund the Hubs coalition, the new Government has committed to creating youth mental health hubs in every community
  • The Government is continuing to invest in Individual Placement and Support (IPS) after years of our advocating for this evidence-based model, meaning that more people with a mental health or substance use problem are being supported to find meaningful paid employment
  • More people with a severe mental illness are now getting their annual physical health check – this is much-needed progress we have been campaigning for through Equally Well UK.

Join us in the fight for equality in mental health

We’re dedicated to eradicating mental health inequalities. But we can’t do it without your support.

Please take this journey with us – donate today.

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