Mapping the mental health of the UK’s young people: Source details for indicators 

This page provides the source details for indicators used in Mapping the mental health of the UK’s young people, in the order that the maps are shown in the tool.

Where the title used for an indicator in the map varies sufficiently from the indicator used in the source, both have been given.

Sources in order of map view

Map 1 – Proportion of children and young people in UK local authority populations
Proportion of total population that is 24 years and under (%)  England2023Office for National Statistics (ONS) – Population estimates for England and Wales: mid 2023
Proportion of total population that is 24 years and under (%)  Wales2023Office for National Statistics (ONS) – Population estimates for England and Wales: mid 2023
Proportion of total population that is 24 years and under (%)  Scotland2023National Records of Scotland (NRS) –  Mid-2023 Population Estimates Scotland
Proportion of total population that is 24 years and under (%)  Northern Ireland2022Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) – Mid-2022 Population Estimates: Single year of age and sex
Map 2 – Prevalence of mental health difficulties among children and young people in the UK
Indicator title in mapIndicator title in sourceNationYearSource
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in EnglandPrevalence of probable mental health disorder, 8-10 yrs (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in EnglandPrevalence of probable mental health disorder – 11-16 yrs (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in EnglandPrevalence of probable mental health disorder – 17-19 yrs (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey 
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in EnglandPrevalence of probable mental health disorder – 20-25 yrs (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in WalesClinically significant emotional difficulties among 7-11 years old (%)  Wales2022-2023School Health Research Network (SHRN) 2022/23  
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in WalesVery high SDQ total scale score – 2021-2022 – 11 – 16 yrs (%)Wales2021-20222021/22 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey and School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in ScotlandVery high SDQ total scale score among 4–12-year-olds (%)    Scotland2017-2021The Scottish Government – Scottish Health Survey 2021
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in ScotlandVery high SDQ total scale score – 2015-17 – 11-16 yrs (%)  Scotland2015-20172015- 2017 Realigning Children’s Services Wellbeing Surveys
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in Scotland16–24-year-olds with a GHQ score indicating a possible psychiatric disorderScotland2022Scottish Health Survey 2022
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in Northern IrelandPrevalence estimates for any diagnosis among 5–10-year-olds  Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in Northern IrelandPrevalence estimates for any mental health diagnosis among 11–15-year-olds  Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Prevalence of mental health difficulties in Northern IrelandPrevalence estimates for any mental health diagnosis -2020 – Northern Ireland – 16-19 years  Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Map 3 – Prevalence of eating disorders among children and young people  
Indicator title in mapIndicator title in the sourceNationYearSource
Prevalence of eating disorders among children and young people in EnglandPrevalence of (any) eating disorders for 11-16 yr olds in England (2023) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Prevalence of eating disorders among children and young people in Northern Ireland  Prevalence of (any) eating disorders for 11-15 yr olds in Northern Ireland (2023) (%)Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
  Prevalence of eating disorders among children and young people in EnglandPrevalence of (any) eating disorders for 17–19-year-olds in England (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Prevalence of eating disorders among children and young people in Northern Ireland  Prevalence of (any) eating disorders for 16–19-year-olds in Northern Ireland (%)Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Prevalence of eating disorders among children and young people in EnglandPrevalence of (any) eating disorders for 20–25-year-olds in England (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Map 4 – Self-harm incidence among children and young people  
Indicator title in mapIndicator title in the sourceNationYearSource
Self-harm incidence in EnglandSelf-harm incidence among 8-10 yr olds (Over the whole of their lifetime, child tried to harm themselves) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Self-harm incidence in EnglandSelf-harm incidence 2023 among 11-16 yr olds (Over the whole of their lifetime, child tried to harm themselves) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Self-harm incidence in EnglandSelf-harm incidence among 17-24 yr olds in (Over the whole of their lifetime, child tried to harm themselves) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Self-harm incidence in ScotlandSelf-harm incidence among 16-24 yr olds (Ever deliberately self-harmed with suicide not intended) (%)  Scotland2021-2022Scottish Health Survey 2022
Self-harm incidence in Northern IrelandSelf-harm incidence among 11-19 yr olds (Over the whole of their lifetime, child tried to harm themselves) (%)  Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Map 5 – Rates of school absence in the UK by local authority  
Absence among school age pupils (% of half days missed)  England2022/23Department for Education – Pupil absence in schools in England – Academic year 2022/23
Absence among school age pupils (% of half days missed)  Wales2022/23StatsWales – Absenteeism
Absence among school age pupils (% of half days missed)

Scotland2022/23Scottish Government – School education statistics
Absence among school age pupils (% of half days missed)  Northern Ireland2021/22Northern Ireland Department of Education – Attendance at grant aided primary, post primary and special schools 2021/22
Map 6 – Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying  
Indicator title in mapIndicator title in the sourceNationYearSource
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (in person)Experience of bullying in person for 11-16 yr olds in the last 12 months (2023) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (online)Experience of bullying online in the last 12 months for 17–25-year-olds in England (2023) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (online)  Experience of bullying online in the last 12 months for 11–16-year-olds in England (2023) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
  Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (in person)Experience of bullying in person in the last 2 months for 11–16-year-olds in Wales (2021) (%)Wales2021School Health Research Network (SHRN) 2021
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (online)  Experience of bullying online in the last 2 months for 11–16-year-olds in Wales (2021) (%)Wales2021School Health Research Network (SHRN) 2021
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (any)  Experience of bullying in the last year for 8–14-year-olds in Scotland (2021/22) (%)Scotland2021-22Scottish Government – Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021-2022
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (in person)Experience of bullying in person in the last 2 months for 11–19-year-olds in Northern Ireland (2020) (%)Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Percentage of children and young people who’ve experienced bullying (online)  Experience of bullying online in the last 2 months for 11–19-year-olds in Northern Ireland (2020) (%)Northern Ireland2020Youth Wellbeing Prevalence Survey 2020
Map 7 – Percentage of children and young people who are often or always lonely
Indicator title in the mapIndicator title in the sourceNationYearSource
Percentage of children and young people who are often or always lonely in England11–16-year-olds who were ‘often or always’ lonely in England (2023) %England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Percentage of children and young people who are often or always lonely in Scotland11–18-year-olds who were ‘often or always’ lonely in Scotland (2021) (%)Scotland2021Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021- 2022
Percentage of children and young people who are often or always lonely in England17–22-year-olds who were ‘often or always’ lonely in England (2023) (%)England2023Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 – wave 4 follow up to the 2017 survey
Percentage of children and young people who are often or always lonely in Wales

16–24-year-olds who were ‘often or always’ lonely in Wales (2022-23) (%)Wales2022-2023National Survey for Wales – 2022-23
Percentage of children and young people who are often or always lonely in Northern Ireland  16–24-year-olds who were ‘often or always’ lonely in Northern Ireland (2021-22) (%)Northern Ireland2021-2022Individual Wellbeing in Northern Ireland Report 2021/22
Map 8 – Rates of mental health and other needs across local authorities in England
Primary school pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs as primary SEND category (%)  England2022-2023Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
Secondary school pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs as primary SEND category (%)England2022-2023Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
All school pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs as primary SEND category (%)England2022-2023  Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
Children (under 18s) in need due to abuse or neglect (per 10,000)England2018Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
Children in need (under 18s) due to family stress or dysfunction or absent parenting (per 10,000)

England2017Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
NHS hospital admissions for mental health conditions among under 18s (per 100,000)England2022-2023Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
New referrals of children (under 18s) to secondary mental health services (per 100,000)England2019-2020  Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
Rate of children in the care system (per 100,000)England2022/23Population Health Analysis, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities : Fingertips Public Health profiles
School pupils with (any) special educational needs (%)England2022/23Department for Education: Fingertips Public Health profiles
Proportion of 16- to 17-year-olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known (%)England2022/23Department for Education (DfE), NEET and participation
Map 9 – Rate of suicide among children and young people in the UK  
Indicator title in mapIndicator title in sourceNationYearSource
Rate of suicide among children and young people (per 100,000)  Age-standardised suicide rate among 10–24-year-oldsEngland2018-2022Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Fingertips Public Health profiles
Rate of suicide among children and young people (per 100,000)  Suicide rate among 10–24-year-oldsWales2022-2023Public Health Wales – Real Time Suspected Suicide Surveillance (RTSSS)
Rate of suicide among children and young people (per 100,000)  Suicide rate among 24 years and underNorthern Ireland2022National Statistics – Suicide in Northern Ireland
Rate of suicide among children and young people (per 100,000)  Suicide rate among 11–25-year-oldsScotland2017-2021National Records of Scotland


Hospital admission of under 18s for mental health conditions (per 100,000)

Relevant indicator definition and supporting information from the Fingertips Public Health profile is reproduced below:

Data refer to episodes of admission and not persons. Any indicator based on hospital admissions may be influenced by local variation in referral and admission practices as well as variation in incidence or prevalence. […] The indicator measures first finished episodes for all persons aged 0 to 17 years with primary diagnosis codes F00 to F99 (Mental and behavioural disorders). […] From 2018/19 onwards, all sub-national counts are rounded to the nearest 5 and counts of 1-7 are suppressed.  Rates are calculated using rounded counts, and confidence intervals are calculated using unrounded counts. Values relating to City of London and Isles of Scilly have been combined with Hackney and Cornwall.

New referrals of under 18s to secondary mental health services (per 100,000)

Relevant indicator definition and supporting information from the Fingertips Public Health profile is reproduced below:

Number of referrals opening in the financial year to secondary mental health services, aggregated into quinary age bands (0-4, 5-9, 85-90, 90+), based on age on referral. Note that one person can be referred multiple times in each financial year and all their referrals are included in this indicator. This is a measure of activity, not the patients in receipt of that activity […] Some mental health providers have single point of access (SPA) services, which may influence the numbers of referrals generated. Referral to SPA is for triage, and there is an additional referral from there. Areas with these systems can have higher referral rates due to this double counting. Users of this data should be aware of this and interpret data for their local area accordingly.

Proportion of 16- to 17-year-olds not in education, employment or training (NEET)

Relevant indicator definition and supporting information from the Fingertips Public Health profile is reproduced below:

In 2022, Surrey implemented a new Education Management System which saw the integration of Surrey’s NCCIS returns with their wider education data. The migration process has resulted in many data quality issues, which have impacted Surrey’s performance.  Since caution is advised when using Surrey’s NEET/Not known figures for this year, we have decided to exclude data for this unitary authority from the map.

Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness

On 1 April 2023 two new unitary authorities were created and replaced Cumbria County Council (see here). As the map tool includes data points at a unitary authority or local authority level which have been originally collected both before and after this date, there is some inconsistency in whether data was available for each of the new unitary authorities. For this reason, there are some indicators where figures for Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness cannot be found or calculated and so they have not been included in some parts of the map tool.

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