
30 January 2020

Centre for Mental Health Responds to Children’s Commissioner’s annual children’s mental health report

Responding to a report by the Children’s Commissioner calling for greater prioritisation of children and young people’s mental health services, Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive, Centre for Mental Health, said: “The Children’s Commissioner’s report highlights concern about the wide variations in spending and support across the country for children and young people struggling with their mental

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21 January 2020

Government must tackle unequal risks of mental ill health, says Commission for Equality in Mental Health

Mental health inequalities are closely linked to wider injustices in society and more must be done to reduce these disparities.

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9 January 2020

School seclusion, restraint and exclusion can increase trauma in children with mental health difficulties, says Centre for Mental Health evidence review

Restrictive interventions in schools can exacerbate behavioural difficulties among children who have had traumatic experiences, according to an evidence review published today by Centre for Mental Health. Trauma, challenging behaviour and restrictive interventions in schools is a review of recent literature on the impact of seclusion, restraint and exclusion on children’s mental health. It finds

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4 December 2019

Economics can help NHS make better decisions for people, says new briefing from Centre for Mental Health

Targets, spending decisions and postcode lotteries in the NHS can be improved by applying economic theory to practice

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28 November 2019

All public services should be trauma-informed to better support women, says new report

Our new report explores how trauma-informed approaches are being implemented by public services

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11 November 2019

Towards Mental Health Equality: the Mental Health Policy Group’s manifesto for the next Government

This manifesto sets out our shared priorities for what we hope the next Government will do to bring equality for mental health closer.

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6 November 2019

Centre for Mental Health sets out 12 steps for next Government to create mental health for all

Centre for Mental Health today published twelve steps for the next Government to create better mental health for all and reduce inequalities. The briefing, 2019 General Election: Mental health priorities for the next Government, calls on all political parties in the 2019 General Election to commit to a national strategy for better mental health and for

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22 October 2019

Put mental health at the heart of a good education, says Centre for Mental Health report

Schools and colleges have profound and lasting effects on young people’s mental health, yet too often this is left to chance

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15 October 2019

State of Care report raises serious concerns about mental health inpatient services requiring urgent government attention, says Centre for Mental Health

  The Care Quality Commission’s State of Care Report presents a worrying picture about inpatient mental health services in England, Centre for Mental Health chief executive Sarah Hughes said today. The State of Care Report is a reminder of the urgent need for continued investment in both community and inpatient mental health services, and for

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2 October 2019

Specialist baby loss counselling should be available for bereaved parents nationwide, says new Centre for Mental Health report

Our economic evaluation of the baby loss charity Petals, which provides counselling to women

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26 September 2019

Primary care mental health service improves health and saves NHS money, finds new report

A psychological treatment service working in GP surgeries in Nottingham offers hope to people other services can’t help

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6 September 2019

Social care needs lasting settlement recognising crucial role in mental health support 

A fair and sustainable funding settlement for social care must provide parity of esteem for mental health and sufficient funding to support people of working age as well as those in later life

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