
1 November 2023

Centre for Mental Health welcomes government investment in early support hubs

Responding to today’s announcement that the Government is investing nearly £5 million in early support hubs, which offer informal drop-in mental health support, the Fund the Hubs Coalition (BACP, Black Thrive Global, Centre for Mental Health, The Children’s Society, Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition, Mind, Youth Access and YoungMinds) said: “The UK Government’s

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30 October 2023

Centre for Mental Health welcomes patient and carer race equality framework and calls for full implementation throughout NHS

Today, NHS England published the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF), a new system for supporting race equity in NHS mental health services. The PCREF was a major recommendation of the 2018 Independent Review of the Mental Health Act. Its publication today as a framework for all NHS mental health service providers in England

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19 October 2023

Urgent action needed to address unacceptable inequalities facing people with severe mental illness

New data from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) today shows that people with a severe mental illness in England were five times more likely to die prematurely during the pandemic.

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9 October 2023

Parent and child experiences of racism affect whole family’s mental health, according to new study

This policy briefing summarises evidence from a new study on the intergenerational consequences of racism in the UK.

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5 October 2023

Centre for Mental Health welcomes new trustees to its Board

We’re delighted to welcome Peter Alleyne, Morgan Vine and Victoria Bleazard as our new trustees!

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26 September 2023

Ten-year plan needed to stop rise in mental ill health in England, say charities

Leading national organisations, representing thousands of people, have come together to call for a long-term mental health plan for England.

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South Asian man wearing orange jacket walks along city street

11 September 2023

Government suicide prevention strategy sets out essential actions but must be backed up with sufficient resources, says Centre for Mental Health

The Government’s new strategy sets out some vital actions across government to save lives, but it is unclear how these will be resourced

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3 August 2023

The Balance Garden’s relocation to Markfield Park, Tottenham

With the support of Project Giving Back and under Wild City Studio’s leadership, Our Chelsea Flower Show “The Balance” Garden will be relocated to Markfield Park in Tottenham, providing a mental-health-boosting green space for the whole community to enjoy.

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25 July 2023

National Partnership Agreement on policing and mental health must be properly resourced to support people in an emergency

Mental health crisis care for people of all ages must be adequately funded so that no one is left without the help they need when they need it most

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20 July 2023

Government and NHS must take sustained action to fulfil the promise of ‘parity’ for mental health in England

Our response to the Public Accounts Committee’s report on improving NHS mental health services.

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18 July 2023

Sustained investment in public mental health could boost communities’ wellbeing nationwide, says Centre for Mental Health

Targeting resources to communities where the need is greatest can have a major impact on people’s mental health, according to our new report.

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31 May 2023

Young people in grassroots sport call for more support during injury

Young people involved in grassroots sports call for more support with injury prevention and recovery

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