The lifetime costs of childhood behavioural problems and the benefits of early intervention
Michael Parsonage, Lorraine Khan & Anna Saunders
Building a better future reviews the large body of evidence on the costs of severe behavioural problems and the economic benefits of parenting programmes, and shows that the programmes are not only proven to work but, when well implemented, are very good value for money. The benefits of this intervention are so high relative to its cost that only a modest improvement in outcomes is needed to support a strong economic case.
Parenting programmes more than pay for themselves through future savings in public spending, spread across a range of budgets including education, health, social care and criminal justice. And there are also substantial benefits to wider society and to individuals and their families, not all of which can easily be measured in monetary terms.
“If you had somebody telling you what to expect before you went, then I think that’s nice, it would encourage you to go, if you had someone to talk to about it before.”
(Mother who had not attended a parenting programme)
“It’s given me a lot more confidence in being a parent and helped me understand the importance of being a mum… “
(Mother engaged with a parenting group)
“Something of the things work straight away. I wish I’d realised how easy it was.”
(Mother, programme attendee)
Audience: Policy makers, commissioners, children’s services.