It was a weird year 2020, I think we can all admit that. It some ways I had the most challenging days in my life in it, and my most happiest days of life. On my most darkest challenging days I was stuck alone with my thoughts. Nothing to distract them. I came face to face with the fact that I was abused as a child. This started the grief process which was full of emtional ups and downs. But in 2020 I had time to listen to my body and me. For the first time I was turly listening to what I enjoyed, who I am? I made many self discovery moements. But I also had days of extremely lonliness and depression, where I felt there was nothing to get me out of bed. As I couldn’t see an end in site, the worrys of my future was constant, what happens if this, how am I going to cope, I’m scared. But right now I have never felt more alive and hopeful for the future. In 2020 we decied to move to a new city. The change was good, and those are some of my happiest days of my life, being given this second chance, I grew in confidence. I came out too as a lesbian in 2020 which has been a journey for me. Im starting to feel more peace at myself. But I have also felt this anger, this regret. I should have spent more time with that person, I’ve missed out on this and that. And this feeling of this is so unfair I’m missing out on my teenage lives. But I feel we are going to be better prepared for life as we have discovered so much about our-self, and found that we can cope.
It was a weird year 2020
Written on 15/02/2021 12:00 am
Contribution by Amy Kinnings-Smith
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