Mental health in the UK is getting worse. Sickness absence due to mental illness is soaring, rates of mental health difficulties are increasing at an alarming rate, and already overstretched services are struggling to meet rising demand.
It’s time to act
We need informed decision making and innovative thinking to turn the tide on worsening mental health. Our groundbreaking research is equipping policymakers with the tools to end mental health injustice, putting lived experience expertise at the heart of driving change. We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to have good mental health, and that people with mental health difficulties have a right to a fairer chance in life.
Support our work today and help us fight for a mentally healthier future
Every donation to our work helps us to make a difference. It means we can find out more about what works and shine a light on neglected issues. It means we can be brave in challenging inequality and injustice wherever we see it. And it means we can be independent of vested interests and speak the truth to power.
40 years of speaking up for social justice in mental health
When we were established in 1985, the last mental health asylums were still waiting to be shut down, mental illness was never talked about openly in schools and workplaces, and community mental health care was in its infancy.
A lot has changed since then, and we’re proud to have played our part in making that happen. But we still have a lot of work to do to end mental health injustice.
It’s not right that the poorest children face four times the risk of mental ill health before they leave primary school. It’s not right that people from racialised communities in the UK have poorer mental health and worse experiences of mental health services. And it’s not right that half of people with a severe mental illness are in food poverty, and face a life expectancy gap up to two decades long.
Over the last 40 years, we’ve shown that things can change, and solutions can be found. A mentally healthier future is possible if we fight for it now. Give £40 today to get us there sooner.