Service user experience key to changing Mental Health Act police powers and improving care in a crisis, says new report
The use of police powers under the Mental Health Act is a major concern for service users, family carers and professionals alike.
Type: News
Peer support workers: a practical guide to implementation
This guide sets out four phases for an organisation looking to introduce peer worker posts: preparation; recruitment; employment; and ongoing development.
Type: Publication
Peer support in mental health care: is it good value for money?
Increasing numbers of peer support workers are now being employed in mental health services.
Type: Blog
Peer support workers: theory and practice
This paper examines the concepts and principles of peer support and presents examples from organisations which now have peers in their workforce.
Type: Publication
Peer support in mental health care: is it good value for money?
This paper makes a first attempt at assessing whether peer support provides value for money, looking specifically at whether peer support workers can reduce psychiatric inpatient bed use.
Type: Publication
What is this thing we call peer support?
Gene Johnson, CEO and President of Recovery Innovations in Arizona, discusses the role of peer worker and the success of the projects he’s led.
Type: Blog