Tag: Podcast

Podcast: Poppy Jaman OBE

Reflecting on her own lived experience, Poppy talks about why we need to stop thinking about systems of change as immovable things “out there in the ether”, rather than being made up of people who can make change happen

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Podcast: Nick O’Shea and Charlotte Rainer

Thea sits down with Nick and Charlotte to hear about why strategic investment in children’s mental health is vital to end the postcode lottery of care

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Podcast: Sarah Hughes

Sarah and Thea look back at how the Centre’s been making change happen throughout 2021

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Podcast: Shuranjeet Singh

Shuranjeet Singh, founder of Taraki, joins Thea to talk about how his organisation is working with Punjabi communities to reshape approaches to mental health.

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Podcast: Alex Augustine

Alex shares how his own experience shapes the way he works, and discusses the corrosive impact of racism on mental health

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Podcast: Amy Pollard

Dr Amy Pollard joins Thea Joshi to talk about her new role as the Centre’s writer in residence, explaining how she has drawn on painful lived experience of bipolar to distil ideas which can be shared with others

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Podcast: Graham Durcan

Thea speaks to Graham about mental health in prisons, and why a fundamental culture-change is so vital

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Podcast: Marsha McAdam

Marsha speaks to Thea about being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, and using her experience of mental health difficulties to create meaningful changes in services

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Podcast: Andy Bell

Alethea is joined by Andy Bell to reflect on some of our recent work and the power of applying research to real life.

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Podcast: Myira Khan

Kadra Abdinasir and Alethea Joshi hear from Myira Khan, founder of the Muslim Counsellor and Psychotherapist Network

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