Bridging the gap
A rebalancing of health and care resources is needed to ensure no one is denied the mental or physical health care they need.
Type: Publication
Mental health: the whole picture
Community budgets that pool funding for services could dramatically improve mental health provision. This ‘whole place’ approach should be backed in the Spending review.
Type: Blog
The Mental Health Treatment Requirement
The MHTR has unfulfilled potential to offer offenders with mental health problems the option of a sentence in the community.
Type: Publication
A label for exclusion
This policy paper identifies areas and practical examples of how the commissioning and delivery of alcohol interventions for offenders in the community might be developed.
Type: Publication
Making recovery a reality
Recovery turns mental health services’ priorities on their heads. Mental health services need to demonstrate success in helping service users to get their lives back.
Type: Publication
We Need To Talk
We Need To Talk examines the provision of psychological therapies and calls on the Government to provide psychological therapy through the NHS in line with NICE guidance.
Type: Publication