Lack of places of safety for children is a major cause for concern
A Care Quality Commission survey showing that a third of hospital ‘places of safety’ do not accept children and young people is a major cause for concern and requires concerted action.
Type: News
The false economy of cuts to crisis care
Just weeks after exposing pressures on acute beds in mental health services, today there are further warnings about spending cuts in community teams across England.
Type: Blog
Talking to your MP on your terms
As a local champion I have raised issues brought to me by service users, their carers and the local voluntary sector agencies.
Type: Blog
The fight for real choice in treatment
Mental health issues come up frequently in my work as a local MP. Of the hundreds of people who come to see me at my regular surgeries many are suffering from a mental health issue of some kind or are making representations to me about someone who is.
Type: Blog
We need to transform healthcare in this country
Paul Burstow MP talks about a visitor to his constituency surgery.
Type: Blog
A place for parity
Most of England’s Health and Wellbeing Boards are prioritising at least one mental health issue in their strategies but almost one in ten has ignored them entirely.
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Parity of esteem: a briefing note
Parity of esteem is the principle by which mental health must be given equal priority to physical health. This briefing note gives an overview of the situation and the impacts.
Type: Publication
Bridging the gap
A rebalancing of health and care resources is needed to ensure no one is denied the mental or physical health care they need.
Type: Publication
The NHS Constitution: a briefing note
The NHS Constitution sets out what you can expect from the NHS as a patient and as a staff member.
Type: Publication
Mental health: the whole picture
Community budgets that pool funding for services could dramatically improve mental health provision. This ‘whole place’ approach should be backed in the Spending review.
Type: Blog