Tag: Services

Why access matters

The Government and NHS England have set out the first meaningful waiting time standards for mental health services in England.

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Access and waiting time standards for mental health are a vital first step to parity

We warmly welcome the Government’s commitment to produce waiting time standards for mental health services. This is a vital step towards creating parity of access to mental health care and to overcoming the ‘institutional bias’ in the NHS.

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Community mental health survey 2014: Reflections on the results

The CQC’s national survey of community mental health services is one of the key barometers of how well the NHS is responding to the needs of working age people with long-term mental health conditions.

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Mental health services unable to cope with demand for psychological therapies, says coalition

Mental health services are unable to cope with demand for psychological therapies. Huge variations in referral rates and waiting times around the country are unacceptable and are making people more unwell.

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Chief Medical Officer’s report sets clear agenda for reinvestment in better mental health

Better, faster and earlier help for mental health is vital to improve people’s lives and represents excellent value for money.

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Mental health care for all stages of life must be improved for all to thrive

This week, a new book by Lord Layard and Professor David Clark sets out a call for a transformation in the way we think about mental health and the priority mental health care is given.

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Liaison psychiatry

Psychiatric liaison services provide mental health care to people being treated for physical health conditions in general hospitals.

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Outcomes and performance in liaison psychiatry

Psychiatric service models that seek to bring its benefits to the people in our acute care hospitals and medical and surgical care pathways have struggled to defend their value for the want of adequate measures of outcome.

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Lack of places of safety for children is a major cause for concern

A Care Quality Commission survey showing that a third of hospital ‘places of safety’ do not accept children and young people is a major cause for concern and requires concerted action.

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Supporting recovery in mental health services: quality and outcomes

In order for services to support recovery, we need clear, empirically informed statements of what constitutes high-quality services and how these will lead to key recovery outcomes.

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