Why reversing the rise in mental health inequalities should be in every party manifesto
Bethan explores how critical addressing inequalities is to building a mentally healthier nation.
Type: Blog
Putting prevention of mental ill health on the political agenda
Bethan assesses how mental health can be improved, if we pay more attention to the wider social and environmental determinants of mental health.
Type: Blog
Pursuing racial justice in mental health
This report investigates how health and care services in the UK can collaborate with community organisations to coproduce mental health support that best meets the needs of racialised communities.
Type: Publication
Podcast: Claudia Turbet-Delof
Claudia Turbet-Delof, a local councillor in Hackney and human rights campaigner shares her experience of growing up in poverty in Bolivia, moving to the UK and facing depression and racism.
Type: Blog
Mental health services in the UK in 2023: what the latest NHS Benchmarking findings tell us
Andy Bell paints a picture of what mental health services in the UK in 2023 look like, based on data from the NHS Benchmarking Network.
Type: Blog
Taking on the Five Giants for Mental Health: what have we learned so far?
Andy brings together our Festival of Ideas series – events exploring poverty; racial injustice; children’s mental health; mental health services; and the climate crisis – and considers how we can move from ideas to action
Type: Blog
Fact sheet: Muslim mental health
This fact sheet, developed in partnership with the Woolf Institute, brings together the latest available evidence on Muslim mental health across the life course, highlighting the urgent need to tackle the stark inequalities in Muslims’ access to, experience of and outcomes from mental health services.
Type: Publication
It’s getting hot in here: extreme temperatures and mental health
Holly explores the unequal impact of rising temperatures and sets out why action on climate change should be considered a priority in protecting mental health worldwide
Type: Blog
Counting the cost of health inequality: new data on premature mortality among people with a mental illness in England
Andy Bell draws focus on the recent mortality statistics for people with severe mental illness.
Type: Blog
Having our say: Promoting voting rights for people with mental health difficulties
Masum Khwaja explains how important it is for people living with mental health difficulties to exercise their right to vote.
Type: Blog