Topic: Equality in mental health

Punjabi communities, Covid-19 and mental health

Shuranjeet Singh explains how Taraki has looked beyond reductive labels to explore the pandemic’s impact on the mental health of Punjabi communities

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Commission for Equality in Mental Health: Briefing 2

Why are groups that face higher levels of poor mental health experiencing the greatest difficulty in accessing services?

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Covid-19: understanding inequalities in mental health during the pandemic

The pandemic risks further entrenching structural inequalities that were already affecting people’s mental health. Now is the time to act.

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Supporting mental health equality through the pandemic

How Centre for Mental Health is working during the coronavirus outbreak to make a difference

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Unsettling and unjust: mental health inequalities and coronavirus

Andy outlines how the impact of coronavirus, like mental illness, is being driven by inequality

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Not ‘just getting older’: mental health in later life

Meg Stapleton looks at the assumptions and realities about older people’s mental health

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Commission for Equality in Mental Health: Briefing 1

Why do some groups of people have a much higher risk of mental health difficulties – and what can we do to reduce the disparities?

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Standing on their shoulders: supporting the mental health of the Stonewall generation, 50 years on

David Woodhead reflects on how we can support the mental health of older LGBT+ people

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We don’t need another ‘hero’: Building mentally healthy LGBT+ leaders

Jim McManus looks at the concept of ‘bringing your whole self to work’ and how we can apply this to supporting LGBT+ leaders

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Are we over-medicalising poverty-related distress?

Felicity Thomas argues that some everyday stresses caused by poverty are increasingly being pathologised

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