Working well? Putting evidence-based employment support into practice
Jan Hutchinson explains why Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is the best way to help people with mental ill health find suitable employment.
Type: Blog
“It’s proved to me that I’m worth something”: Individual Placement and Support in drug and alcohol services
Can Individual Placement and Support effectively aid people in drug and alcohol services into sustainable employment?
Type: Blog
IPS resources
We’ve brought together materials from our IPS Centres of Excellence to provide a set of free resources to help services develop IPS supported employment
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20 years of Individual Placement & Support in Europe: Trust, cooperation and hope
Julie Bailie reflects on how IPS has become a social movement for change over the last 20 years
Type: Blog
The IPS fidelity scale & ensuring fidelity
Use the IPS Fidelity Scale to self-assess your service
Type: Page
Briefing 61: Social needs among people living with mental health difficulties
How can mental health services better meet the social needs of people living with mental health difficulties?
Type: Publication
A good job, well done!
Ian MacArthur shares how the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter is promoting the importance of ‘good work’ and supporting employees and employers in the workplace
Type: Blog