Briefing 52: Adult and older adult mental health services 2012-2016
The data points to an urgent need to review the capacity of community mental health services to meet people’s needs.
Type: Publication
The future of the mental health workforce
We’re exploring and setting out a vision for the future of the mental health workforce
Type: Publication
A lifeline in the community: the vital role of assertive outreach and rehabilitation
Dr Nuwan Dissanayaka highlights the struggle for people like Jamie to maintain independence
Type: Blog
Supporting carers
The Care Act, carers’ assessments and their impact on mental health carers
Type: Publication
Secure mental health services
Secure mental health services treat people with severe mental health problems who pose a risk to the public. But the services are subject to long delays and patients getting stuck.
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Providing welfare advice in mental health services
Specialist welfare advice is likely to save mental health services money by improving people’s health and reducing hospital admissions.
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Risk, safety and recovery
Risk, Safety and Recovery argues that risk and safety are rightly major concerns in mental health care but that traditional clinical management methods of assessing risk have stood in the way of helping people to recover their lives.
Type: Publication
Supporting recovery in mental health services: quality and outcomes
In order for services to support recovery, we need clear, empirically informed statements of what constitutes high-quality services and how these will lead to key recovery outcomes.
Type: Publication
Secure care: a briefing note
Secure mental health services provide accommodation, treatment and support for people with severe mental health problems who pose a risk to the public.
Type: Publication
Welfare advice for people who use mental health services
The report calls for every mental health service to secure specialist welfare advice to help to support recovery and to intervene early when difficulties emerge.
Type: Publication