Mental health in later life
Poor mental health is sometimes regarded as an unavoidable part of becoming older; we address this assumption and suggest recommendations on how to create better mental health for older people.
Type: Publication
Addressing the mental health challenges of life with kidney disease
The case for change
Type: Publication
Creating a future where our mental health is properly protected
We stand with Health Equals as partners, working together to put the things that create good health and those that harm good health in the spotlight so that we all have a better chance of a long and healthy life.
Type: Blog
Podcast: Equally Well
Emma Bailey and Hannah Moore from Equally Well UK join Thea to explain how the work they do is tackling the unacceptable life expectancy gap for people with severe mental illness
Type: Blog
Ask how I am
Supporting emotional health among people living with long term conditions
Type: Publication
The new GP contract: two steps forward for mental health equality
Andy shares two new major developments for mental health within general practices
Type: Blog
Nerves of steel? Opening up about mental illness in sport
Anastasia shares her personal perspective of how sport can be a high-risk environment for mental illness
Type: Blog
Kidney disease and mental health
Kidney Research UK and Centre for Mental Health highlight the urgent need for improved mental health support for people with kidney disease
Type: Publication
More than a number
Experiences of weight management among people with severe mental illness
Type: Publication