The new GP contract: two steps forward for mental health equality
Andy shares two new major developments for mental health within general practices
Type: Blog
Clinical psychology in primary care
We look at services meeting the needs of people who previously got little or no effective help for their mental or physical health from the NHS
Type: Publication
Mental health and primary care networks
Primary care networks could be a key opportunity to make badly needed improvements to mental health support in primary care
Type: Publication
A new approach to complex needs
Could the NHS better support people with persistent physical symptoms of illness in primary care?
Type: Publication
Are we over-medicalising poverty-related distress?
Felicity Thomas argues that some everyday stresses caused by poverty are increasingly being pathologised
Type: Blog
Strengthening the frontline
Primary care has a crucial role to play in preventing suicide. We’re calling for better support to help these services save lives.
Type: Publication
Filling the chasm
We explored local initiatives which are bridging the gap between primary care and secondary care services
Type: Publication
Managing patients with complex needs
Improving mental health care for people with complex needs can reduce pressures on GPs and hospitals as well as dramatically improving people’s lives.
Type: Publication